Emotions post

We had to write an emotion word and then we had to go on google and find a photo of that  emotion.  We had to put the photo on the poster and we had to write some sentences to describe the emotion. Here is my poem.


  1. Hi Ebony
    I like your emotion poem. It is colorful and it's got really cool pictures that really hook me in. I wish I could write like you.

  2. Hey Ebony
    The emojis are so cool! The words that you used, they are awesome and I LOVE YOUR WORK, IT IS AMAZING!

  3. Hi Ebony
    Your emotion poem told me what proud mean because everyone feels that way when they are proud. You should be proud of your poem Ebony!

  4. Hey Ebony
    Your emotion poem is very colorful and detailed. I like that your emotion poem told me about being proud. Did you have tons of fun making your poem?

  5. Hey Ebony
    Your emotion poem is so descriptive and colourful. You add alot of detail in your poem to. Did you have a hard time choosing your emotion poem?.


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